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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Chemical Bondings, cation (positively charged) forms electrostatic attraction, nonmetal-nonmetal have covalent molecular compounds, chemical bondings have combinations, Elements include nobles, nonmetal-nonmetal like to share, Elements include nonmetals, nonmetal-nonmetal have covalent bonds, combinations such as metal-metal, metal-nonmetal have ionic compounds, metal-nonmetal have ionic bonds, nonmetals are happy, not appicable (nobles) because nobles love each other, happy, don't want to lose/gain electrons because they have a complete outer shell (stable), metal-metal have alloys (compounds), steal want electrons, combinations such as metal-nonmetal, metals are happy, Elements include metals, happy becomes cation (positively charged), combinations such as nonmetal-nonmetal